The B16+ test procedure
If a patient is suspected to have Lyme disease, his doctor will order a blood test. The tests most commonly used are the standard tests ELISA, IIFT or Immunoblot, all of which are paid for by the state health insurance companies. Unfortunately, these tests are still unreliable even today.
If you want to undergo the German Chronic Disease Laboratory's differentiated B16+ test, you can consult one of our partner physicians or ask your family doctor about having the test done.
Your doctor will then take a blood sample as usual and submit it to the German Chronic Disease Laboratory with a laboratory order, where it will be examined by a team of doctors specialising in Lyme disease. Your doctor will be notified of the test results in about a week.
Pivate individuals can also submit blood samples for the lyme disease test
Private individuals can also submit blood samples for these tests. However, as the state health insurance companies do not pay for these tests, it is advisable to consult a Lyme disease specialist beforehand to decide whether your symptoms could actually be caused by Lyme disease. He will perform an extensive initial examination in order to record and evaluate your clinical picture.
Physicians interested in our laboratory's B16+ test can register free of charge in our website's log-in area, where they will find a wealth of technical information about the test procedure.
Photo: Alexander Raths/