Co-Infections that can occur with Lyme disease
Lyme disease alone can trigger symptoms of all kinds from mild to severe. However, many people are unaware that ticks can transmit numerous co-infections to the host along with Lyme disease. These include pathogens such as Babesia, Rickettsia and Chlamydia, which can also cause various symptoms.
Co-infections can cause additional symptoms and diseases
Babesia infections can for example trigger anaemia and jaundice; Rickettsia causes pericarditis and muscle complaints. Chlamydia infections can affect the mucous membranes in the eyes, respiratory tract and genital area.
In addition to the co-infections which may be transmitted with the Borrelia bacteria, there are also pathogens which which the patient may become infected as a result of the Lyme disease and the associated weakening of the immune system, e.g. Epstein Barr virus, which can cause hepatitis and glandular fever.
The possible co-infections and their consequences should by no means be underestimated.
If symptoms appear in connection with a suspected or confirmed case of Lyme disease which indicate a co-infection, it is advisable to have your blood tested for them.
Photo: Klaus Eppele/